How To Get A Guy To Like You (These 26 Things Work All The Time!)

Umeh Obianuju Frances
41 min readApr 30, 2020


Is there a guy who lives or works around you that you would want to have a relationship with? Are you having a hard time figuring out what to do to make him notice and even go ahead to like you?

If your answer is Yes, then sit back and relax as I will be dishing out tips that you can use. These tips will be your guide to making that guy like you. I will be going out on a limb to show you the things you need to do.

but before I get right into talking about these things that you should do, I must mention that this article is very lengthy, and for that reason, I would recommend you >>CLICK HERE<< to go and watch a shorter video version of this article where I'll still show you the secret triggers that can make any guy at all like you like crazy.

but, if you’d prefer to read this article version, just continue reading,

I understand if you are falling head over heels for him, and you just want him to feel the same way quickly. However, the battle is how to make sure he truly likes you. What we will not be doing is giving you tricks to make him like you.

Instead, I will be giving you the best strategies to make him like you and even proceed to fall in love with you. When you receive these strategies, you should test them out immediately.

One thing to understand is that the rules in dating are endless. All around you, you will find dating handbooks and rules to dating. You might even have one in your bedroom currently.

All I am trying to point out is that there is so much advice for everyone on Earth. Nevertheless, you should pick the tip that best works for you. This is because it may be your introverted or extroverted self that goes on the first date.

While you will be reading up on how to get a guy to like you, you will also find it interesting to find out how to start up a conversation with the guy you like. To make this worth your read, I will also be including inappropriate things you should never talk about.

This is vital because so many girls have no idea about things not to say and will never engage in research before they meet the guy of their dreams. The fact is, you may be meeting up with a prospective soulmate. It is in our best interest that you do nothing to mess it up.

People have no idea that there are specific topics regarded as off-limits, as well as some behaviors. If you do not understand how society works, the various tips I will be fishing out will not help you if you are a romantic recluse.

However, those who are vital parts of the dating machine will see these tips as guidance and snag that man. You go, girl!. You must pay close attention to the tips I will be dropping shortly.

Nevertheless, before we begin, there is something you must understand about being patient. I clearly understand that because you are head over heels for this guy, you are in a very vulnerable position as you wait for him to measure up.

And whether he loves you or does not love you, you will go to any lengths within your power to make him fall for you. However, I will advise that you pump the breaks a tad bit and not rush things.

When you rush things, it will end up blowing up in your face. Note that love takes time, and it appears in varying tempo. There are times where it does not happen at all. Even like takes time as well. Because he listens to you talk does not mean he likes you in that way.

More so, you should not blame yourself for anything. If he does not like how awesome you are, then both of you were never meant to be. And when you step away, you will finally see a thousand and one reasons why this right here is the truth.

Nonetheless, give him time. You have no idea what his past relationships were like, and you surely do not know his personality. If he is someone you like enough to fall in love with, you will have to hit on pause and wait.

Similar to every other dating and relationship advice you have heard and read over time, some of them may tend to work for you better than some others. You should know what will come naturally for you and how to apply it.

For so many girls, they are of the assumption that guys have a low-interest span and fickle. But truth be told, guys and girls are not so different from each other. When it comes down to relationships, guys and girls love novelty.

It is vital to note that guys will always choose to be with a desirable girl. They prefer a girl that other girls envy and are being desired by every other guy. Are you set to be that girl? Do the guys you like notice you? I will be addressing all these.

Things To Do To Make Him Notice You!

Are you being ignored by a guy you like? Are you wondering what to do to make him notice you? Is your answer, yes? You have come across the ideal article. I will be giving you some tips on how to get a guy to notice you.

However, you must understand a part of male psychology that affects how guys feel about the girls in their lives. It is known as the Hero’s Instinct. First and foremost, it is a way of thinking that all the guys tend to hold dear.

Immediately you know how to activate it, you will begin to see the difference in their treatment of you. This psychological trigger will assist in creating emotional bonds that men are not used to when around women. It is just a few women that know about this.

For those having difficulties in getting a guy to notice them, it is vital to understand how to use the Hero’s Instinct. Understand that the skill can make the difference you need in your relationship.

However, a guy will have to notice you before you can make use of this psychological trigger. To get a guy to notice you, you must observe the following rules. They are:

Learn to Love Yourself!

The first thing you need to concentrate on and spend time learning is how to love yourself. It does not mean that you should be standing in front of the mirror to kiss your reflection.

When I say you should learn to love yourself, it means that you should love the person you are. You should love your hobbies, your appearance, interests, and everything that makes you a wonderful person.

If you can love yourself, then you can naturally carry yourself well enough without waiting for anyone to do that. You can make your way around parties and crowded rooms with your head held high plus a dazzling smile on your face.

Tell me, what man will fail to notice such a lady? Imagine the slow-motion moment wherein the girl walks out of the sea, flipping her hair sideways. Now you cannot strut out of the sea; you can walk with confidence and let out an aura of sexuality.

Keep practicing how to strut your stuff while in your bedroom. It will surely pay off sooner than expected.

Your Looks Should Be Everything!

When it comes down to our looks, we all have a thing or two to complain about. It could be about our knobbly knees, or nose, or even the shape of our lips. However, the trick in handling this is not to let these little things control your emotions.

Instead, you should concentrate on the things you like about yourself. And, take a step to dress in a way that emphasis is placed on these areas. There was a time in my life when I worried about my small boobs. But now, I am over that and loving my body just as it is

In contrast to this, I would wear clothes that revealed my lovely skin complexion or clothes that revealed the shape of my hips. While I never did this to make men gawp at me, it was done for me to feel good about who I was and see that I was attractive too.

When you feel good about yourself and comfortable in your skin, you will begin attracting the attention of guys.

Just Have Fun!

What else will make a guy notice you if you are not acting like you are having fun? What I am trying to say here is, nobody wants a guy who looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders.

Or will you rather be attracted to someone like that and not the guy who is joking around with his friends? Be it a guy or a girl; no one wants to be around a person that inflicts misery. Best to show that you are having the time of your life.

In no way does this mean that you should climb a table and start dancing in the office or at a mall. Even though you cannot show you are having fun in some environments, smiling can show you do not take life so seriously.

Avoid Seeking Unnecessary Attention!

Some women go to the extreme to get the guy they like to notice them. Nevertheless, they end up being referred to as attention seekers as that is all the man will ever see.

While he may notice your attention-seeking skills, he will notice for the wrong reasons. In a bid to not reek of desperation, avoid walking past the guy you like over and again. Stop trying to chat loudly when you are close to him. He does not need to hear all the dates you have been on and the guys you turn down.

It is very normal to catch his eye, flash a dazzling smile, and return to your conversation; it is abnormal to stare so hard at him till he finally looks away. Also, you are not supposed to wink at him.

Walk Close To Him!

I understand that earlier; it was mentioned that you should not walk past him over and again. Well, it does not mean you cannot walk close by at least once. Ensure that when you are doing this, you are out there for a purpose.

You might be going to the office kitchen, or if it is a club, you may as well be heading to the bar to get a drink. Understand that; it is very awkward if you walk past him, turn 360 and walk past him once again. It is not a catwalk.

Whenever you walk past him, ensure that you are standing up straight with that lovely head of yours held high. This is where you release your inner bond girl. It will be much better if you are walking past him to meet a friend.

Like this, you can display a big hearty smile, which he will surely notice.

Eye Contact!

When it comes down to eye contact, I have mentioned earlier that you should not wink, and neither should you stare at him so hard. In catching the eyes of a guy you like, you are to hold this eye contact for an appropriate amount of time.

If you hold it for a long time, it will end up being creepy. Also, if you hold it for a short period, they will likely not notice your signal. To know the right amount of time, it all relies on how comfortable you are while holding the gaze.

It is best to do this within two to four seconds. No girl wants to look eager; rather, a girl wants to look just enough to signal to him that she is open to any conversation if he is game, of course.

Also, if you feel a spark, you can flash a swift smile towards his direction.

First Impression Still Matters!

Even though it has been said often that you should never judge a person without knowing them first, it is hard to stick by this rule. For this reason, the first impression still matters a whole lot.

As the tag suggests, it is your first impression, and you should do all within your power to make it count. When you catch a guy’s eye, and he walks over to start a conversation, ensure that you smile, and be friendly.

However, try not to come off too strong in proving that you will be fun to hang with. Try to keep your conversation fun and light, as well as avoid every form of negativity. It is not at that point in time you should complain about the manager.

Doing that leaves off the impression that you nag a lot. Men are put off by such a trait.

The Flirtatious Body Language!

For most girls, the best and quickest way to get a guy they like to notice them is by relying on their flirtatious body language. The flirtatious body language entails little things that center around flicking your hair or touching the crane of your neck.

Should you be in the midst of your friends while at a bar, endeavor to stand confident and tall. Try not to fidget with your jewelry or dress. It means you are nervous.

Like I have been trying to make you understand, a guy will notice the bond girl oozing of confidence and sexuality than the girl fidgeting in a corner with her dress. You have the choice to be the bond girl or the fidgety one.

Moreover, if you have no idea what to do with your free hands and if you are nervous, simply walk over to the bar. Get a drink as holding it will stop you from fidgeting. This is just a quick fix, so you will have to work on your confidence later on.

How Flirty Are You?

Immediately you start feeling that there might be a little spark; you can proceed to flirt just a tiny bit. As always, never come off too strong even though a little flirting here and there will hurt no one.

Well, try not to throw yourself at his mercy; you can simply lick your lips or twirl your hair. They are gentle, flirtatious signs. However, you are to keep everything light and, teasing him might be of help.

If you should take the flirting farther than this, you may reek of desperation. Rather than blurting it to him that you feel he is hot, practice lowering your voice so that he leans straight into you.

Be Interesting!

The girls who are able to get noticed by guys are those who present themselves as interesting. The reason for this is that humans will naturally want to know more about an interesting person.

To act interesting around him, you can bring up the latest news on social media or showing him how funny you are. You can tease him or make a joke of yourself. You can tell him about a weird hobby you have; he may find it interesting.

Every guy loves an interesting girl that is playful. If you are spontaneous as well as playful, he will surely notice you and pay attention to all you do.

• Do What Makes You Special & Standout!

How else can a guy notice you if you act like all the other girls? There must be something that makes you stand out. The same way you will show that you are interesting, you must show how special you are also.

To make him know you are special, you can talk about any crazy experience or something you have done before. You can talk about the volunteer work you do when you are free.

If he works in the same company as you, you can let him know how amazing you are at your job. Every guy takes note of a girl that is ambitious and independent. And, if both of you are in college, you can throw a party and invite him over to see the amazing host that you are.

A Common Ground!

What else can you try out to get a guy you like to notice you if not to find a common ground between both of you? Things both of you can find common ground on can revolve around listening to the same band, cheering the same football team, or even watching the same series on Netflix.

A perfect way to start is by chipping in a sentence or two when you hear him talking about a series you watch too. This is the ideal time to let him know you both like the same things.

You may let him know that you are in the same episode with him, and you can go on by predicting whatever you think might happen next. This will be fun. Understand that, most guys may notice you but scared to start up a conversation.

Guys do not like fumbling with words when they finally have the courage to walk up to a girl. You can rate this as one of their worst nightmares. Nevertheless, you can be the one to take up the mantle and take away the fear.

To do this, you can start the conversation by seeking common ground. When you talk to the guy you like, you will have an idea if he is interested in you or if he is not.

Dress In A Sexy Way!

What better way to get noticed by a guy you have a huge crush on than to dress in a sexy manner? However, if he is at your office, you surely cannot rock a mini dress as you like.

But, there is something you can wear. You can wear a dress that looks pretty on you and accentuates some of your intriguing features. For this, you can put on either a peplum or pencil skirt.

Do you really think he will notice you by dressing in baggy cardigan or sweat pants? This is not Hollywood. It does not work that way. When you notice that he goes to a bar every Friday night, you can arrive there in one of the sexiest dresses you can find in your closet.

If you never knew, being able to display how sexy you are from your clothes exudes confidence. With this, you can grab all of his attention in the ideal ways.

Be Occupied!

It is either you are truly occupied, or you are pretending to be. The best way to make a guy you like notice you is to act like you are occupied with something. For those who do not understand, if you feel that he has got his eyes on you, do not turn around to look at him.

Instead, pretend like you are working or if you are trying to get lunch, skim through the menu as you twirl your hair. Or, you can simply touch your lip. Like this, the guy will have a lot of chances to continue checking you out.

You will have to do this because, if you should look at him, he may likely turn towards another direction. And, you may ruin the chance to get him to notice you and absorb all your beauty.

Note that, if he likes what he is seeing, he will walk over to you and begin a conversation, no matter how short it would be.

Reveal Your Best Side!

Most times, it comes off as shallow if you are trying to get the attention of a guy by showing off your legs and any other parts of your body. However, everybody needs the initial attraction before finding out more about one another while the relationship grows.

Here, you will have to display the things you like best about yourself. Ensure that you highlight that feature. You can highlight it if you will be going to a bar that he will go to or a college party.

When you display some of your best assets, best believe that you will feel more confident. Asides from grabbing his attention like this, you will also begin to feel great about yourself. Ultimately, you will both win in this situation.

This will be the best time to shop for some of the best clothes you can get.

Participate In Guy Activity!

Do you genuinely have an interest in the kind of stuff guys indulge themselves in? If yes, this is the time to use what you have or rather what you know. If you love things like beer, football games, then you can use this to make him notice you.

You may not be into football so much, but you could have a team that you support. You may probably support the team based on their color. The best way to show your support is to be seen at the sports bar, supporting your team.

However, if he should walk up to you here, there is no need to lie or pretend that you are a diehard fan of that team. You can simply let him know that you find watching your team play very interesting.

Understand that the ideal way to get his attention and make him notice you is to position yourself in a place that most women are not found. A sports bar is a good start.

There is no way that the odds will not be in your favor if the ratio of men to women is far greater.

Ways To Start Up A Conversation With The Guy You Like!

how to start a conversation with a guy

It must have been a long while since you sat down to figure out the words to say to a guy you like. Now that I have revealed tips to use so that guy will notice you, it is time to start up a conversation with him.

What if you were married once and all your conversations centered around the finances and taking out the garbage. And now, that is all over, and you are back in the dating pool.

In the dating world today, you will do good with witty banter and conversations that will stimulate anyone intellectually. There is nothing you should be worried about. This is where you will need my tips the most.

While you may think it is weird that you have to go through these tips just to start a conversation, do you know what else men have been up to? There are men who go through tips that will assist them in finding the courage to converse with amazing yet confident women like you.

Before we delve into the things you can say to a guy, it is vital to understand that texting is a different ball game entirely. It is way different from talking on the phone or talking one on one.

The necessary tips you need to know when conversing through text include:

Your texts should be short, but funny!

Bear in mind that you are texting and not sending an email to your boss at work. Texting is meant to be functional and short. While we have all been guilty of having real conversations through text, it is time to stop that.

Rest your fingers and keep your text conversations short. Moreover, if the text conversation now seems like a dialogue, you can throw in the towel and make suggestions towards a phone call.

Both of you should ask the questions!

Most girls easily fall into the trap of asking one-sided questions. What this means is that all the girl does is to ask the questions, while he provides the answers. Note that this is not how it is supposed to work.

When it continues this way, you may start feeling like it is an interview, and of course, you are the interviewer. What I will suggest is that you pull back before you begin to freak him out.

While some guys will naturally not ask any questions, it is now up to you to chip it in that you have been asking lots of questions. When you say this, it means it is his turn to carry on the mantle of asking questions.

Now that I have revealed to you how to converse through texting, it is now time to know the tricks of conversing with a guy one on one. I will be analyzing different scenarios; it is your job to pick out the best one.

Note that each guy is unique. It is either you do not know him so well, or you know so little about him. Or, you may even know him a bit more. However, it becomes easier to talk to a guy you like when you get to know him more.

So, you may be interested in a guy you spotted at the bar. Or, he is someone who tags along with your group of friends. Now, you want to switch from being a stranger, or you are planning on switching from being friends into something more serious.

The diverse ways to do this include:

Ask for his name!

This particular tip is to be used in a guy that you like, but he does not know you. In moments like this, you may fumble with words or just stare at him till it becomes awkward. There is a solution for that.

You can simply start your conversation by asking for his name. This will set the ball rolling. From this point, you can talk about how unique his name is, especially if you have never heard it before.

Or, you can make up a funny story about someone you know that bears the same name. It should never be a story about your ex, even if your ex bears the same name. Also, you can skip all these and just tell him your name.

Ask about his drink!

Men are taken aback and short of words when a woman confidently walks up to them to strike a conversation. For this reason, you cannot fail no matter what your opening line is in your head.

This tip is for you if you are to walk up to the guy you like while he is seated in a bar. Obviously, he will be sipping on something. You can ask for the name of his drink. Then, you can proceed to let him know you may likely order the same drink.

It is the ideal moment to ask about the taste of the drink, just to hear his input. If you are bold enough, you can tell him you want to try his drink before ordering yours. Note that, if he agrees for you to drink from his glass, he is interested.

Ask if he is single!

Nobody wants to be on a wild goose chase with someone that is in a relationship already. However, this particular tip is quite tricky. Nonetheless, it is better you are in the clear than to waste your time.

If you meet the guy you like at a bar or probably a party, you can simply ask him if he came over with someone. Ensure that you listen enough to get clues from whatever answer he gives.

If he should talk about traveling for a short vacation, you can ask if he went on the trip with his family or his partner. This right here is the chance for him to let you know if he is in the market or he is dating someone.

Also, you can playfully talk about a dating app and watch if he is interested. To know if he is single this way, he will say he is already on the dating app, or he will have powerful opinions about dating apps.

Hint, Hint, and more Hints!

While both of you converse, you can find out if he is interested in you by telling him about an event you want to attend over the weekend. If he is interested, he will not mind spending alone time with you away from his circle of friends or yours.

He might be into whiskey from how often you both talk about drinks. So, you can bring up a whiskey-tasting event that will be taking place in some days’ time. Listen to what he says.

Should he say it is cool, you can brace yourself up and ask him if he would like to go to the event with you. Here, you will have to try your best to make it clear that it is an event for the two of you. You will have to do this, so his whole crew does not tag along.

Talk about his interests!

While you may be running out of what to say when you are in front of the guy you like, there are some things you can bring up. An example of such things is his interests.

I understand that most girls find it interesting when guys ask them about their interests, guys like it too. In order to break the ice, you can kick off with the interest talk.

When you talk about his interests, you will have an idea if both of you will be compatible. According to a study carried out by The Pew Research center, over sixty-four percent of married couples mentioned that due to their shared interests, they were able to have a successful relationship.

Now, it does not matter if both of you have the same interests at the moment. It is vital that you ask him about the stuff that makes him happy. Also, you should ask him about what he does during his spare time. These are amazing conversation starters.

Talk about funny childhood stories

If you are lost on what to say during a conversation with a guy you like, you can talk about things that happened in your childhood. I do not mean the sad tales, but the fun adventures that happened when you were growing up.

You can talk about when you fell from a tree and dislocated your ankle or share a hilarious story about how you got into trouble with your siblings. These stories are to be told just so that both of you can laugh and ease up the tension in the room.

There is every possibility that he will have a childhood story to share, as well.

Ask about his dreams

Now that you know about his interests and what he likes doing during his spare time, won’t you want to know more about his dreams? It is normal to ask questions about what each other does, but most times, it is not accurately explained.

For example, he could say he crunches numbers for a living, and he does this to pay the bills. Understand that this answer does not give you the real sense of what drives this man you like. You still have no idea on what he is passionate about.

Instead, go straight for the jugular and ask him what his dreams entail. Ask him what he wanted to do while he was just a boy and ask him what he would have loved to do if money was not going to be an obstacle.

Conversations like this will get him to open up, and it is a win-win situation as you will get to know him better. As you do this, also ask him about his job. Note that the job he does will play a huge role in the relationship you want to build with him.

Do not just ask what he does for a living, further to ask what a typical day at his office looks like. Ask him what he likes best about his job or what he looks forward to when he is at work.

Go further to ask him what he does not like at his job and how well he relates with his colleagues at work. No matter how much he hates his job, he will surely find some interesting points to share with you.

Music and movies!

Another interesting conversation starter is popular culture. Instead of keeping quiet because you have nothing else to say, you can ask him about the type of music and movies he loves.

Note that you do not have to lie if you do not align with what he watches or listens to. It is better to know be loves heavy metal before you start something serious. A conversation like this one may likely end up with both of you planning a movie or concert date. This is if your interests align.

Bear in mind that, no matter the stage you find yourself in with a guy you like, it takes a whole lot of effort to start a conversation with him. However, no matter how the conversation goes, you should never lie about anything. Be real.

Do not talk about things for the sake of impressing him, especially those things you do not even have any idea on. When you talk about the things you know, you may get his attention.

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Things To Not Say To A Guy You Like!

When you venture into the dating pool and understand the rules associated with dating, you will get to find out that there are things guys love to hear. Do not think guys enjoy hearing about everything.

It is worthy to note that there are things you can say to a guy that will end up leaving him cold and bitter towards you. When you say something that should never have left your mouth, you will notice how the guy’s expression switches from happy to angry.

For this reason, I will be giving you a number of tips that centers around things you should never say to a guy you like. We know that guys are quite accommodating with whatever girls say to them

You may also know that guys are easy going and can put up with some insults and betrayals. However, there are some things that may slip out from your mouth that will hit a guy harder than you ever imagined.

While you may think it is a normal statement and not think so much about it, the guy will quietly take it in like a blow targeted at his heart. One thing that will get a guy bothered is to think that a girl thinks he is not man enough.

Generally, guys are not so easily offended, but making them feel less like a man is something they will not take lightly. No matter how much you toy with him, tease or fool around with a guy, he will not get angry so easily.

However, the problem comes when you make him feel emasculated. If you hurt his ego during a conversation, there is a high chance he will not waste time in taking offense.

And, he may speak in a rude manner or ultimately ignore you for some time. He will do this in a bid to feel much better about himself. Or he will do it just to get back at you for all you said.

Now, when next you are around a guy you like, ensure that you avoid making him feel emasculated. Some of the things you should never say to a guy that likes you include:

Complimenting his friend!

No matter how charming his friend looks and how you feel tensed when that particular friend is around, do not mention it to the guy you like. Avoid such a topic, especially when you have never told the guy you like how charming he is too.

I am not saying you should not compliment his friends, but how you say it is the bone of contention. You can tell him that he has good friends and let it end there. However, problems arise when you say things about his friend that he lacks

Saying these things will make him feel insecure, and he will end up getting angry with both you and the friend. No girl wants her man complimenting her friend more than he does her. Think about it this way.

Telling him to accept his failure!

Some humans are highly competitive, and when it comes to the male gender, they are very competitive. Guys are competitive when it centers around succeeding, especially when it has to do with work or earning some extra money.

If the guy you like and being in conversations with for a while is trying out some new project and he fails at it, never say things to his face. Do you know what midlife crisis is all about?

Midlife crisis is what happens to men when they start feeling like they are no good and brand themselves as failures. Never say it out loud that he is a failure. He will hate you for it. Do not try to frustrate him at this point also.

Talking about your ex!

When it comes down to issues concerning an ex, understand that they are in the past and should not be brought up at intervals. I expect that since you are interested in someone else and you are trying to get him to like you, you must be over your ex.

For this reason, you should never make comparisons between him and your ex. Never state the words ex and “you” while talking to him. No guy loves being compared; another worst is when you are comparing them with your ex.

Moreover, do not tell him about how you have had sex with so many guys. Do not proceed to start comparing body parts with past lovers of yours. What this does is that he will get himself worked up and insecure about himself.

Telling him to introduce you to someone else!

This tip is an all-time low if you are in the box of those who do this. While some girls will want to do this just to make him jealous, it makes no sense. If the other guy is not a celebrity that you just want to meet, do not do this.

You like him; you have given him signs that you are interested in him, you have started conversations that are going well enough, why tell him to introduce you to someone else.

He is bound to walk away if he sees you overly excited to meet any of his friends or sees you flirting with another guy. He will feel insulted because there was no need for you to throw the green light at him in the beginning.

Do not yell at him!

He is not your boyfriend, and even if he was, no guy likes being yelled at by a lady, especially in front of family or friends. I have not heard of any guy that will take this well.

While guys may want to do anything to impress a girl, they love being portrayed by their best attributes to her family and friends. If you should yell at him in public, you will emasculate him.

For sure, he will lose interest in you and spend so much time avoiding you. He might even go as far as plotting different ways to humiliate you too. There will be no need for both of you to start something serious if it will turn into a war zone.

Do not say you have dated better guys!

This is the worst thing you should think of saying to a guy you like. A girl should never think of saying this to a guy she wants to have around. A statement like this will ruin both the friendship and the soon-to-be relationship.

Such a statement is more like a one-way street to the end of whatever a guy you like was feeling for you. He will always remember this type of word. You are talking to him, so you start up something and not to tear him down.

Refusing his help!

If there is one thing most girls are fond of doing, it is refusing help from guys. Understand that guys enjoy being in control even if you are the one that showed signs you liked them first.

With this, they enjoy offering to help; they want to give you advice that you follow through and help you in carrying those heavy bags. A guy will find it interesting to help fix your sink or your window.

When you constantly stop him from helping you out whenever he wants to let you know he has protective instincts and strength, he will think you find him incapable of getting things done. It should never be this way.

At the end of the day, the next time you are hanging out with a guy you truly like, endeavor not to say these things. Take these tips to heart as it will help you in the long run not to jeopardize a prospective relationship.

Twenty-Six (26) Ways To Get A Guy To Like You!

a girl and her boyfriend who likes her

Now, we will be looking at a list of ways you can get a guy to like you. For a guy to like you, you must be capable of arousing his interest. The following tips will be used to get him to like you.

When you make use of these tips, you will be surprised as to how easy it is to make that guy want you at all times. To get him to like you, you can follow these tips. It goes thus:

1. Support his efforts and dreams.

Before we begin, it is important for you to note that you do not have to develop an interest in fishing or hiking suddenly. If you are not into his hobbies, you should never fake it.

Rather, to make him like you, you just have to be supportive of whatever he does. When he goes on a fishing trip with friends, you can talk about it by asking him what he caught.

Likewise, when he makes his way to the rock climbing gym, ask him about his workout. With this, you are clearly not pretending to like his interests. All you are doing is showing him that you respect what he is into.

Judging from a scientific study carried out, humans naturally love it when people ask them questions about their interests. Also, they enjoy the follow-up questions. With follow up questions, it shows that you have been paying attention, and you are interested for real.

For what it is worth, you should not only ask him about his fishing trip experience. He might say he caught a tuna; your job now is to ask him about the taste of fresh tuna. You should also ask him about the friends he went fishing with and the bait he used.

Note that if you do not know so much about his hobby and you are asking these follow up questions, he will be more than glad to teach you. Furthermore, you should be supportive of all he does.

If you are aware of the job interview he has to attend within the week, you can be supportive by sending a text before the time for the interview. Through this, he will know that you are supporting his dream.

Take it further by asking him how the interview turned out. The foundation of a successful relationship is based on support. When you let a guy you like know that you are there and will always be there for him, he feels great and takes you as his biggest cheerleader.

2. You cannot change him.

Do you think he is going to like you if you are all up in his face trying to change him? You will surely have little things that he does that tend to get on your nerves; however, do not tick them as deal-breakers.

Understand that you should not start anything with him if all you have in mind is to break him from his annoying habits. It is better you do not start the relationship than to start and think you can change the man.

If you have to sit back and hesitate when you think about your future with him, then he is not the right man for you. Allow him to go and find someone else.

Most of the men who end up with women that always suggest how they should act, end up keeping things away from them. For this reason, you should be watchful of what you say to him.

If you are the type that sends him countless messages on things he should do or be, how he should act, then you should pull back right now. Else, you are going to lose him for sure.

Instead of all these, embrace him even with the quirks and flaws. He will surely do the same when it comes to your quirks and flaws. We are all humans, after all, and not perfect.

3. Pay attention when he talks.

We are in an era where we would rather listen to reply than listen to understand. Though it is very easy to talk, you will find out that it is very hard to listen. Not just listen for listening’s sake but listening for real.

You should not be half-listening to a guy you like and be painting your toenails or browsing through social media platforms. Putting all of your energy into hearing anything he is saying occurs in two levels.

Firstly, you are not just listening but hearing his actual words. Secondly, you are taking in what he is no verbally communicating to you. Note that, over sixty to eighty percent of our communication is regarded as nonverbal.

This is why you must pick on what he tells you, especially if you want him to like you as much as you like him.

4. Display how much you appreciate him.

If you are seeking for ways to get the guy of your dreams to like you, this tip is of great importance. Imagine how he makes you feel when he shows up at your workplace with lunch.

Of course, you love such gestures, and you appreciate him for it. Now, what do you do to show him that you appreciate him? You should think of the best ways to make things easier for him.

For example, if he is very busy, you can help out in picking up his dry cleaning or even offer to walk his dog. If he has been stressed out, you can fill his bedroom with candles and give him a massage.

In displaying how much you appreciate a guy you like, you do not need to do many big things. You can simply do the little things that will make him smile. Even sticking a love note in his bag will be nice. Breakfast in bed is amazing as well.

You can randomly say thank you to him for being a wonderful person. The more you display how much you appreciate him, the more he will feel loved and begin taking a liking to you.

5. Make him laugh.

Over time, guys tend to say girls are not funny. At least I have heard that countless times from guys when they talk about most girls around them. Between a guy hanging around a girl that makes him laugh or a guy that hangs around a girl that complains about everything, who do you think will fall in love faster?

Even if you are not the funny one, laughing at his jokes will go a long way. Mind you; it will be horrible if you should fake a laugh when he cracks jokes. However, if he is a funny person, allow him to make you laugh.

For a long-lasting relationship, having a similar sense of humor is amazing.

6. Believe & Trust him.

I understand that believing or trusting someone is not an easy stand to take, especially if you have a history of ending up hurt in the past. Nonetheless, this guy is not the same as the other guy.

If you want this likeness to switch into something serious, you will have no choice but to trust him sooner or later. However, if he is showing signs that suggest he should not be trusted, you should never ignore this.

More so, if he is doing everything right by your books, you can surely let down the great wall you have built around that heart of yours.

For starters, you can quit assuming that you are the only one that can do everything right. Allow him the space to show himself and amaze you. If it is a case of being cheated on in the past, try to talk to him about your feelings of insecurity.

When you react angrily when he wants to hang out with the opposite sex, explain to him that it is because of your past experience. Things like this will not be easy for you to ignore. These are the sort of situations both of you will need reassurance on.

Understand that; you will have to believe him that he will not hurt you like the others. If you can love, then you can trust. Love does not function without trust.

7. Spontaneity.

You do not have to be boring. Surprise him, awe him, make out time to make plans for the evening, or invite him out on a date. It is vital that you are not so predictable, it will ruin all forms of surprise.

8. Remain who you are.

I have mentioned earlier in this article that you should be true to yourself. Now again, I will have to let you know that you must not change yourself. Do not be a fake version of yourself.

It is toxic to keep changing just because you feel he does not like you for who you are. Even though you have to be creative and spontaneous, stick to what makes you comfortable.

9. Ensure you have an amazing scent.

No one wants a girl that does not smell great. If you will be hanging around the guy you like, it is vital that you do not overpower him with those sickly sweet fragrances. Instead, try just to smell good.

For this reason, you should pay very close attention to your body scent and personal hygiene. If you smell nice, his friends will surely mention it to him when everyone hangs out. He will be glad to show you off.

10. Learn the art of seduction.

When we talk about seduction, people generally think it begins and ends in bed. But that is surely not what I mean by learning the art of seduction. You should be able to seduce the man you like by being sexy when you are around him.

Wherever you go, you should be creative. Dressing classy when both of you hang out will help to get him to like your kind of person.

11. Avoid being a drama queen.

Even though it is okay to throw tantrums now and then when he disrespected you, do not over exaggerate the situation. As a lady, you do not have to blow everything out of proportion to make a point.

Interestingly, some guys can see through the whole drama queen act. You cannot get him to like you if you are always so melodramatic.

12. His shoulder to lean on.

When the guy you like is low on morale, this is where you sell the amazing version of yourself. Be his shoulder to lean on, give him the strength and support that he cannot get from his friends.

You should be the one to reassure him and get him to confide whatever issues he is having to you. If you want him to like you, then be his confidant. Be his warm pillow when he is having a hard time.

13. Be financially secure.

No one wants a piece of adult baggage. While you may think it is the guy’s job to provide for everything. A lot of respect goes to the lady that has been able to secure her bags. You should be in control of your financial situation and have a good job.

Best believe that guys love it when a girl has a good head on her shoulders. By this, we mean, guys will stay away from a girl that is nothing short of a careless spendthrift. You should be good with finances, not the one who wastes money. You cannot get a guy to like you if you spend carelessly.

14. Smart conversations.

While you have heard it over time that a guy wants an arm candy, what you do not get to hear often is that he wants a lover he can communicate with. He wants a girl he can have smart or intelligent talks with at the end of a busy day.

Nothing looks hotter than an intelligent woman who’s got an opinion. No matter what the media tells you, no one wants a dumb person around them. A smart guy will dig a smart woman.

For this reason, you can talk about the news article you read while at work or at home. Do not be afraid to express yourself even though your opinion is different from his view on the topic.

Understand that; he might get bored if there is nothing to talk about. To keep things fresh and make him like you, bring up smart conversations.

15. His family.

So many guys are attached to their families. What better way to win him over to your side than to be the family’s favorite girl? When you are able to make both his friends and family think that you are a catch, he is bound to like you.

16. PDA; Public Display of Affection.

We have guys who tend to shy away from public display of affection. Even with this, a guy will surely want you to cling to his arms like the damsel in distress. Interestingly, this actually makes him feel sexy and powerful.

17. His Ego.

While we have talked about how you should never emasculate a man or make him feel less of himself, it is time to massage his ego. If you want a guy to like you and have an interest in you, you should be capable of stroking his ego.

When he talks about his achievements, give compliments, and place a pat on his back when he talks about something he is proud of. When you make him feel more like a man, he will stick around to be your man.

18. A mix of independence and dependence.

You do not have to be confused. By this, I mean, you should be dependent on him when he is around you and independent when you are all by yourself. In simpler terms, make him feel like a man when you are together.

Make him feel you need him to help with stuff, even though you can get it all done on your own.

19. Be unavailable.

I know you like him, and you are working so hard to get him to like you and proceed with your love story. No matter how much time you want to spend around him, don’t be readily available at his beck and call.

While I will advise that you should be there for him, also allow him to miss you when you are not around.

20. Avoid being needy and clingy.

Even though guys love it when a girl is a typical damsel in distress that needs his help, this tends to stop when you are past the infatuation phase. You should show him that you can be self-dependent, and he will be the one seeking out ways to please you.

He will not like you if you are forever clingy and acting needy, thinking it is cool.

21. Good cook.

Do you think the way to a man’s heart is no longer through his stomach? No matter the millennial you are living in, a man still respects a girl that can cook. The adage still holds strong.

You can decide to have an indoor date and cook. He will love this for sure. This is a good tip to make him like you.

22. Think like him.

There is no doubt that both guys and girls do not think in the same way. However, when you think like the guy you want, he will be more than happy to have a woman as special as you are. Not every lady out there makes an effort to think like the person they want in their lives.

23. Do not settle into being a pushover.

If there is anything you should learn from this article, it is that you should never be the lady to sit at his feet because you want to get his love. You have every right to be opinionated and say your mind when he throws his weight all over you

Over time, I have heard people advice women, to be soft. They will tell women to agree with whatever he says. The woman has no right to make decisions because, oh well, he is a man.

Well, I will not advise you on that. Before he identified as a man, he identifies as a human. And, before you identified as a woman, you identify as a human. He should like you as a human and not as a Yes-woman.

Of course, you can compromise in some aspects but never compromise on what will make you feel like you have no right. If he makes jokes or says things you do not like, make it known.

You do not always need to have the same opinion as to the guy you like. It is when you have differing opinions that your conversations get more enlightening and interesting.

Not being a pushover does not always have to mean arguing. It means you are simply letting him know that as a human-like him, you have an opinion, and it deserves the honor.

Treat his misbehaviors.

Just because you like him and want him to feel the same way does not mean you should take him as a spoilt child when he is clearly misbehaving. It is either you ignore his childish tantrums, or you scold him when he starts acting like a slob

You should be rude and unpredictable whenever he thinks he can get away with misbehaving. Like this, he will respect you at the same time and even like you more.

24. Make him proud.

While guys tend to be shallow in the first instance, they do want a girl they can admire and respect. You should be more of an achiever and not the girl that depends on him for the littlest of things. Like this, he will begin falling for your charms.

25. Have some self-respect.

Similar to not being a pushover, I have to remind you that you are not a doormat. He should be aware that you can move on when he treats you badly. Even if you are the one that had your eyes on him first, make him believe you are the biggest prize in the room.

Avoid calling yourself a prize in his front; rather, display this by ignoring him when he starts acting up and expects you to take it just like that.

26. Let him be reliant on you.

If a guy you like should think he can live without you, he will start losing interest in you. You have worked too hard to make him feel he can stay without you in his life. For this reason, you should make him rely on you.

By this, he will stay interested in you and feel helpless when you do not talk to him, or you have to travel for a while.

Final Thoughts!

At long last, we have come to the end of the road, and I am glad you have arrived here finally. From all that I have mentioned so far, you should select the tips that you can fully utilize and watch how simple it is to get a guy to like you.

We have explained how you can keep a conversation going, things to do to make him notice you, things you should never discuss, and finally, tips to get him to like you. In all of this, remember never to let him treat you however, he likes just because you like him.

You are to earn his love and respect, and he should earn yours as well. Handle him with affection and love, but this should be when he is deserving of it. When he is scared of losing you, he will never place a toe out of line.

Even though you like him first and he is slow, make use of the aforementioned tips, and you will have him liking you within months. You should be genuine and communicate clearly.

Show him just how you can treat him right when he lets himself fall for you.

How To Get A Guy To Like You (The Summary)

  1. Support his efforts and dreams
  2. You cannot change him
  3. Pay attention when he talks
  4. Display how much you appreciate him
  5. Make him laugh Believe him
  6. Spontaneity
  7. Remain who you are
  8. Ensure you have an amazing scent
  9. Learn the art of seduction
  10. Avoid being a drama queen
  11. His shoulder to lean on
  12. Be financially secure.
  13. Smart conversations.
  14. His family PDA; Public Display of Affection
  15. His Ego A mix of independence and dependence
  16. Be unavailable
  17. Avoid being needy and clingy Good cook
  18. Think like him
  19. Do not settle into being a pushover
  20. Treat his misbehavior
  21. Make him proud
  22. Let him be reliant on you.

Hope you enjoyed the article. Just do these things & Thank me later!



Umeh Obianuju Frances

Frances is a Relationship and Lifestyle Blogger focused on helping you build a stronger Relationship.