How To Get Your Baby Daddy To Marry You (10 MAGIC TIPS!)

Umeh Obianuju Frances
21 min readApr 29, 2020


making your baby dady marry you featured image

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is a very detailed article and to save you the stress of sitting and reading it, I would recommend you >>CLICK HERE<< to go and watch a detailed video version of this where you’ll learn the secret obsession that can make your baby daddy (no matter the type of man he is) marry you…

From experience, I know that when you are no longer with your man it can be quite difficult, how much more when you already have a child with him, this scenario can be twice as painful.

But, since you have decided that you want your baby daddy to become your husband, then having an amazing bond through your child can be of great advantage to you.

A lot of parents will probably not forget the day their child was born. Mothers generally are wired to be loving and supportive to their kids and fathers are to be protective of their kids, but the most important role of a father is to be around for their children.

This simple fact brings us to the topic and questions this article seeks to explain and answer.

The baby daddy!

In simple terms, I will define a baby daddy as a man who is responsible for the birth of your child but seldom come around to perform his fatherly duties as it ought to be done.

Let’s proceed-

How to get an ex back after giving birth to a child has been one of the most sought-after topics, and everyday women are seeking answers to this pressing question.

The most interesting thing about this topic is that when it comes to making sure your baby daddy gets married to you, there is little or no helpful information out there on the big search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc that will teach you or direct you on what exactly you must-do if you really want to get married to your baby daddy.

Well, that’s about to change as you will be exposed to great insights on achieving your aim with your baby daddy in this article…

A lot of persons might be telling their selves right now that they will not read this article to the end, just because of the sheer size of it. Do not get discouraged with the length of this article, as I tend to go overboard anytime a topic as this one arises.

Sometimes it just has to take a long and detailed article like this one, to properly explain a concept as delicate as this because this is something that I believe you really do not want to mess up, or do you want to mess up the chance of getting your baby daddy to marry you?

A lot of experts may talk about this topic, but one thing you may never hear from most of them is the fact that you really do not have many chances to get your ex or in this case your baby daddy back.

Hence the need to be really detailed in this article…

Getting your baby daddy to marry you is not some kind of game where you get the chance to start over after failing a level.

To be totally realistic, you only have limited chances before your baby daddy loses interest in you and moves on to someone else.

This justifies the need for this overly “wordy” article to help you grasp the concept that could make your dreams of making your baby daddy your husband come true.

Getting the father of your child, in this case, your baby daddy to marry you is not something you just rush through. Trust me; it requires a detailed process and surgical precision to implement.

You may be among the “doubting Thomases”, you keep on nursing doubt in your mind, like is it even possible to get my baby daddy to marry me? I mean he probably doesn’t want to get married to me, that is why he hasn’t asked me to be his wife all this while.

Without mincing words, I will be as straightforward as possible.

So, here is the answer to all doubting Thomases reading this article,

Yes, it is very possible to get your “baby daddy” to marry you but only if you are prepared to do something “REALLY CRAZY” that you really might not want to do on a regular day.

Now, I think I know what is running through your mind,

“Really crazy? How crazy are we talking about?”

Well, before I “get you really crazy” I want you to know that it is not good to ignore sound advice.

This leads us to the main topic….

Just Follow These 10 Steps & You’ll Get Your Baby Daddy To Marry You!

1. Show him you are an awesome mother to his child:

mother and her baby

Don’t get this out of context; you are to be an awesome mother, a good mother to your kids, not a perfect one. Many of you may be wondering, what is an awesome mother, and what qualities does she have that would attract the man to marry her?

First of all, you must realize that when you talk about what is an awesome mother or a good mother, you need to realize this does not in any way mean perfection!

No mother, in reality, is perfect; trust me you do not want to be perfect, you just want to be the right dose of awesome and if done properly, you will get your baby daddy in the place you want him to be, which is the altar saying your marital vows.

Never forget that men are moved by what they see more than by what they hear, that is why this point is very important in the journey to get your baby daddy to marry you.

Ensure you play this card well, help him realize all the love and fun he is or has been missing out on for a long time.

Whenever your baby daddy is around, hold your child tenderly, be extremely fond of the child. When he sees you and the child happy together, it would give him the good impression that you and his child are in perfect harmony, this kind of image perhaps, would get him closer to the point of getting married to you.

Ensure that you don’t allow people of questionable character come near your child.

Trust me; your baby daddy will not be comfortable discovering that most men who are just after you for the “sex” or those people with a serious criminal record are in the same house with his child, this would give him the mindset that you don’t care about his child’s mental health or safety.

Ensure that your child doesn’t look malnourished; try as much as possible to make sure the child is always properly fed with healthy meals. When a man sees that you are practicing the God-giving womanly role of nurturing the child with healthy home-cooked meals, he will be convinced that you are serious about parenting and also feel that you will also treat him with such meals and care.

This would make him really interested in marrying you. One thing you should know is that men want to be pampered and they tend to equate the way you treat their child as the same measure in which you would treat them.

2. Try as much as possible to keep him away from other women:

keep your baby daddy away from other women

The whole aim of keeping your baby daddy away from other women is to give you room to work your magic on him, I am not talking about voodoo, I hope you know what I mean.

It is easier to get your baby daddy to marry you if there is no other woman in his life. And if you discover that there is no other woman in his life, encourage him to spend time with his child or children as the case may be, don’t be harsh in the manner in which you approach him.

Tactfully increase the amount of time he visits, this would make him pre-occupied with performing his fatherly duties to his children. While all this is going on, ensure you flirt a little with him, always keep the mood light and see where it leads, don’t force it or make unnecessary advances towards him, he might get irritated by it.

It is a widely known fact, that no woman really wants another woman making a move on a guy she wants. For example, if your baby daddy just met a woman, it is your duty to make her know about you and your child, this would make the woman realize that she is not the first priority of your baby daddy, you must not feel guilty when the other woman realizes this, and after all, you did not tell a lie.

But note that this in no way gives you the opportunity to be rude to the woman as a hostile behavior can push your man further into her arms.

It is a huge turn off for most women when they realize the guy they have an interest in, already has a serious life commitment. You can scare her off without appearing desperate or evil.

Honestly speaking, you have the power to make your baby daddy marry you or not by the way you speak with him. If you as a woman are careless with your manner of speaking to your child’s father, you may provoke him often, and this is very bad for your goal of getting him to marry you.

On the other hand, a woman who is very skillful in ways to use the word of her mouth will get the man she desires and invariably she will make an excellent wife.

If you as a woman discover that other women are getting closer to your baby daddy in a questionable manner, it is your duty to try not to react openly. Instead be calm always, watch your language, so you don’t give the other women an undue advantage over your man.

In due time, he will realize that he has a good wife in you, there is no point in chasing shadows or fantasies when he can just do the right thing by getting married to you.

3. Find out if there is still a chance for both of you as a couple:

find out if your baby’s father can still be your couple

Before you start looking for ways to ensure that your baby daddy marries you, ask yourself very important questions and answer it truthfully. Do I and my baby daddy still have a chance together?

Is there still a spark among us, no matter how little? Do we feel any chemistry with one another? If the answers to the questions are yes, then the chances of getting married are higher. A wise man once said, attraction facilitates marriage, apparently he was correct.

Letting go of a relationship is not so easy, particularly when there are still feelings between you and your baby daddy. But how can you tell if there’s a chance you might be able to or should try to rekindle things with your baby daddy in the future? When do you know the right moment to make a move on him?

You have to trust me on this; it is easier to get your baby daddy to marry you if he is still attracted to you.

Besides the previous questions, a vital one is do you still like each other? When you guys still like each other, it is easier to tolerate, be kind, listen and avoid arguments from going too far; this keeps the channel open and ensures you are both on a good page.

When you both resonate on the same frequency, getting married becomes smooth as a breeze.

4. Try as much as possible to not be a drama queen:

It may be hard to be drama free especially when you really want your baby daddy in your life and that of your child. You are reading this because you really want to settle down with your baby daddy, it is very natural for women to want their child’s father staying in the same house with them, preferably as husband and wife, because women are generally nesters, you don’t have to feel bad when you desire your man to do the right thing and get married to you and also live in the same place with you.

It is true that when your life shows the resentment of a home without a father, it can lead to stress and can make you do things that you never imagined you could do or things you wish you never did.

Or maybe in your bid to make him feel guilty, you have developed the habit of broadcasting his failures to your friends, families, and the world at large! When you do this, you make the man feel de-masculinized.

You must realize that most men flee from unnecessary drama and anger tantrums, most especially when they know deep within them that the primary cause of the problem came from their actions, trust me a man knows when it is his fault, he just might refuse to admit it.

Instead of such a man to own up to his mistakes or problems, he would rather seek an easier way out; he will prefer to disappear, even if it means he will be abandoning the child in the process.

If your baby daddy falls in this category of men, he will never see his actions as abandonment but rather he will see it as self-preservation, in his mind, he did the right thing to protect his sanity.

As long as you remain a drama queen, always livid, bitter, and nasty be sure of the fact that he will avoid you and his responsibility like a plague.

If you fall in this category of being overly dramatic, it is important your soft pedal and takes cognizance of your life, as such behavior can affect how you treat people and adversely affect your chances of getting your father’s child to marry you.

Always remember, it is much easier to attract bees with honey than with vinegar when you behave in an unpleasant manner, you are bound to attract only unpleasant things.

But what if you can get your baby daddy to see things from your own point of view? What if you could get him to want to be a good husband and a responsible dad instead of running away from you?

Trust me, it is very possible if you can let go of the pain in your past and focus solely on loving yourself, your child, and the man. Sooner or later he will realize how much peace you give him and this will get him to the point you want him to be, which is, for him to place one knee on the ground, a ring in his hand, and the question you have always wanted to hear from his lips, “will you marry me?” It is very possible to achieve this fit, do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

5. Make sure your baby daddy is a good man:

make sure your baby daddy is a good man

This point might seem irrelevant but contrary to what you think, it is very important. Now, ask yourself this question “I want to get married to my baby daddy, but does he deserve me?” Is he respectful to people around? Is he hard working? Does he value family?

The answers to the above questions you asked yourself are very necessary.

Everyone knows that being away from the man you love is really challenging. In fact, both parties might be feeling the heat on some personal level. But there is something more important than how you or your man is affected, which is the child.

Have you ever stopped for a moment to take into full consideration how your child would be affected without a good father figure in his life? I mean a father figure that is actually his father.

For a man to take up responsibility it shows that such a man is a good man and he has your wellbeing and that of the child in mind, this would give you enough hope that he will marry you eventually.

Is he addicted to any substance, does he abuse women, is he a chronic womanizer or a helpless flirt? To be very candid, a man that exhibits those signs is a clear example of a man you should not be with, no matter how much you want to be with him.

A man who does not have strong inbuilt morals and ethics will never want to be a reliable family man and as such may never want to get married to you. So ensure you know if he is a good man or not.

6. Try taking a little sincere effort to make your baby daddy jealous:

make your baby daddy jealous

If you want to know whether your baby daddy is serious about you or not, then you can try out a few harmless techniques or tricks as you may call it on him. If he falls for it, chances are high, indicating that your baby daddy loves you enough to marry you for sure.

But if it seems like he is not interested, then it could mean that nothing may work between you two, but don’t lose hope just yet, there is still more to learn and practice.

It is important you know the rules of this kind of mind game, if you don’t it might backfire, that won’t be so great, would it? So, before you start using the jealousy card on your baby daddy, it’s important that you know the rules of this kind of tactic.

There are times you may feel that your man is not serious about you so you think he will never get married to you. This is not a good feeling, so in order to give your baby daddy a reality check, try to make him jealous. In turn, he will start realizing how important you are and how incomplete he will feel if you and his child were no longer an integral part of his life.

When you are seriously looking for ways to get your child’s father to marry you, it is necessary you quickly take action and create a fool-proof working strategy. You have to make him feel that without you in his life, he simply has lost the most special thing that ever happened to him.

I will tell you one secret, social media is a great friend of yours to get your baby daddy jealous most especially if your baby’s daddy is also into social media.

Social media may be seen as a negative influence if not utilized properly but trust me; it works wonders in this case.

This in no way encourages you to go overboard but ensure you have just the right amount of pictures of you and your child on your Whatsapp Status, Facebook, and Instagram to get noticed by him, occasionally you can feature a decent looking man in the picture.

The whole aim is to get him a bit jealous, so you do not have to be in a compromising position with the man. A few of such images can work great wonders, you best believe.

The truth is your child’s father may never comment or do anything and he is likely not going to like your pictures but this will really capture his unreserved attention, whether he likes it or not.

This will make your baby daddy jealous — Period.

Men don’t like to be seen as losers, chances are he will see how close he is to finally losing you and this can spur him in the right direction, which is getting married to you.

7. Don’t start a conversation with him talking about your child:

It can be really dangerous when the first thing you discuss with your baby daddy you want to marry you is your kid. One of the most challenging issues with couples, which occur daily, is the fact that all of their conversations primarily or literarily revolve around the child or children as the case may be.

If you take out time to think this through, you will realize that the above statement makes a lot of sense, as it is your reality.

If a couple keeps talking about their child/ children together every time, then it is almost like the peculiarity of their relationship becomes solely about that child. Meaning if you all did not have a child together, you probably would not have been in good talking terms.

This is a serious issue that must be addressed immediately; I get to see a lot of women with children fall into this problem with their baby daddies. Since we agree this is an issue, why don’t we try a different approach?

Do you know you have the opportunity to talk about things going on with you that will re-attract him to you and make him marry you? Why then would you rather talk about your children with him?

Undoubtedly, children can be a great selling point, but they probably are not going to be enough reason to re-attract him and make him marry you, as far as you know he can request for custody of the child without having any space for you in his life and in the future, meaning he will never get married to you.

In avoidance of that particular scenario as elaborated above, here is a different approach I want you to apply when you chat, converse on the phone, or in-person with your baby daddy.

Try as much as possible not to bring up your child at all. Let him be the one to do it.

If he brings up the issue of his child, then you are free to tell him all he needs to know while focusing on your role in the life of the child, if he asks for pictures send him pictures of you and the child together.

This would give him the idea that you really care and appreciate the amazing gift in human form you both created. Chances are he will want to be part of that circle by getting married too you.

8. Ensure you treat him as an awesome father:

make your baby’s father feel like he’s awesome

One of the trusted ways on how to get your baby’s daddy to marry you is to make him feel like the best man in the world, ensure he feels like the father of the year, and patronize his ego.

Now, I am going to tell you something you probably have known all your life, but if you did not know, today is your lucky day, it is in the nature of human beings to be endeared to someone who makes them feel good about themself, this stands true, especially for men.

There is a high possibility that you were not making him feel like a superstar when he made the decision not to marry you in the first place. But, I can assure you, if you are able to make him feel like he is an awesome father to your baby, from today henceforth, it will have a great impact on him as it would have had if you were fully in a relationship with each other.

Please, always remember there is a limit to everything, when trying to get your baby’s father to marry you, it is important not to overdo the praise. If you do this, he may likely feel as though you are condescending about his daddy capabilities, or he might simply feel as though you are just trying to force him to marry you, and you are using the child to do it, this will in many ways, make you look like a bad person in his eyes. He will see you as being a manipulative woman.

As much as possible; try to be totally honest with him. Whenever he does something awesome, tell him. When you appreciate anything he did, simply tell him how much you appreciate it and move on.

Whenever he is talking or playing with the child, try to smile and ensure he notices you smiling. Let him see how much you admire his fathering expertise.

This kind of gesture will make him feel good about himself, and of course, you will be the cause of that good feeling in his heart, this, in turn, can cause him to feel good about you as well and simply go down on his knees to propose marriage.

9. Keep Your Emotions in Check Around Him:

Okay, you are a woman and you know as a woman your emotions can get out of control. Women tend to understand certain things by communicating and also by venting.

A lot of your female friends also know this, and they can actively participate in your venting business. But it is a “No-No” for your baby daddy. If you do this with your baby’s father, the reality is that you may successfully end up pushing him far away from you, and as such, you may never get to marry the man of your dreams.

Let me tell you something about men. No man likes to be antagonized by strong and passion-filled emotions. Honestly, it scares the hell out of them, and they feel very uncomfortable with you, this would lead them to react very poorly to it. If care is not taken, the man would shut down or simply stop talking to you; the only thing in his mind will be how to get away from you as fast as possible.

These are not the kind of reactions you want when you are trying to get your baby’s father to marry you!

Save your emotional tantrums for your family members or friends; whenever you are around your baby’s daddy try to keep it cool. Always appear happy, collected, and possess a rational thought process.

In the previous tip, you got to understand that it truly is the nature of man to be attracted to people who make him feel good, it is also in the nature of humans to be attracted to someone who feels good of themselves. So you must always feel good about yourself, never undermine your uniqueness because you want to elevate his.

You best believe, if you feel and behave in a positive manner, then you will be much more attractive to your baby daddy and have a better chance of getting him to marry you.

10. Avoid playing unnecessary games That You Think Will make Your Baby daddy marry you:

stop playing games on your baby’s father

If you are playing games with your baby daddy, it simply means you are preparing yourself up for serious disappointment and possible heartbreak. Because he is either going to see through your silly games or he probably will be able to figure it out eventually.

That alone can make him avoid you completely. As much as possible, no matter how difficult it may be, just be you. Try not to pretend, try not to act in a questionable manner, and do not do things that you think or know will get him upset.

You do not have to keep playing games that involve using your child. You may be tempted to call him and tell him that the child really wants to see him or that he needs to be paying more attention to the child, just so you can have a chance to see him, stuff like this are going to end up causing him to dislike you.

Playing games can also be when you are constantly pretending to be someone you know you are not. For example, you keep making him get the impression that you are dating a lot of guys and having the time of your life with them, this is a very wrong approach, you may think all this type of games will make him become crazily jealous, sadly, that’s not the case as it can actually just turn him off from you totally. He will see you like a loose woman who he is better off without.

Another type of game, that is also often used, is acting as if you really do not care about him. This will never get your baby’s father to marry you; rather, it will make him think that you are a cold-hearted woman who doesn’t care about him and whom he is lucky to be away from.

Do not play silly games. Be smart.

Summary and Conclusion!

In the end, you have realized that getting your baby daddy to marry you though difficult is very possible. The ten tips listed above on how to get your baby’s father to marry you are going to significantly increase your chances of doing just exactly what you want.

Do not forget to show him your mothering abilities; this is a huge turn-on for him. Protect your man from adventurous women by all modest means necessary.

Determine the chemistry between you both is still intact.

Drama queens are only great on television, not in reality. Do not be overly dramatic.

A healthy dose of jealousy is enough to get your baby daddy thinking in the right direction.

Your child or children are a blessing you really cannot stop talking about them, but they shouldn’t be the only thing you talk to your baby daddy about; remind him of the beautiful conversations you guys used to have.

It is important for you to stir up his ego by telling him how awesome a father he is.

No matter how worked up you feel, try to always keep your emotions in check especially when he is around, and save the tantrums and vents for your girlfriends or family members.

And to wrap it up, avoid playing silly games with him as much as possible, or else you may end up pushing him further away and the marriage you seek may never happen.

Good luck!!!



Umeh Obianuju Frances

Frances is a Relationship and Lifestyle Blogger focused on helping you build a stronger Relationship.